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  • Книги и журналы - Osprey Publishing Essential Histories collection

  • Essential Histories collection

    Osprey Publishing. Essential Histories collection

    Тема выпусков исторические битвы, описание, карты, схемы, иллюстрации войск, мундиров и униформы.

    Each Essential Histories book studies the origins, politics, fighting and repercussions of one major war or theatre of war, from both military and civilian perspectives. Spanning 3000 years of human conflict, most major wars are covered, from the Punic Wars to the Iran-Iraq war. Featuring full colour maps, diagrams and photography throughout, each book in Osprey’s Essential Histories series also includes pictures of contemporary artwork and artefacts, providing a full visual appreciation what it was like to live through each war. Essential Histories are an important reference resource for students, teachers, academics, history enthusiasts and hobbyists.

    Список журналов и монографий в серии:

    001 - The Crusades.pdf
    002 - The Crimean War.pdf
    003 - The Napoleonic Wars (1) - 1805-07 The Rise of the Emperor.pdf
    004 - The American Civil War East (1) 1861-63.pdf
    005 - The American Civil War (3) East 1863-65.pdf
    006 - The Seven Years' War.pdf
    007 - The French Revolutionary.pdf
    008 - The Korean War 1950-1953.pdf
    009 - Napoleonic Wars (2) - 1808-12 The Empire fight back .pdf
    010 - American Civil War (2) West 1861-63.pdf
    011 - American Civil War (4) West 1863-65.pdf
    012 - Campaigns of the Norman Conquest.pdf
    013 - The First World War (1) - Eastern Front 1914-18.pdf
    014 - The First World War (2) - Western Front 1914-16.pdf
    015 - The Falklands War 1982.pdf
    016 - The Punic Wars 264-46 BC.pdf
    017 - The Napoleonic Wars (3) - The Peninsular War 1807-1814.pdf
    018 - The Second World War (1) Pacific.pdf
    019 - The Hundred Years' War 1337-1453.pdf
    020 - The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988.pdf
    021 - Rome at War AD 293-696.pdf
    022 - The First World War (3) - Western Front 1917-18.pdf
    023 - The First World War (4) - Mediterranian Front 1914-23.pdf
    024 - The Second World War II (5) Eastern Front 1941-45.pdf
    025 - The Mexican War 1846-18.pdf
    026 - The Wars of Alexander the Great.pdf
    027 - The Peloponnesian War 431-404 BC.pdf
    028 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict 1948.pdf
    029 - The Thirty Years' War 1618-1648.pdf
    030 - The Second World War [3] - The War at Sea.pdf
    031 - The Russo-Japanese War 1904-05.pdf
    032 - The Second World War II (6) - Northwest Europe 1944-45.pdf
    033 - Byzantium at War AD 600-1453.pdf
    034 - The French Wars 1667-1714.pdf
    035 - The Second World War (2) - Europe 1939-43.pdf
    036 - Greek and Persian Wars 499-386 BC.pdf
    037 - The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939.pdf
    038 - The Vietnam War 1956-1975.pdf
    039 - The Napoleonic Wars (4) - 1813-1814 The Fall of the French Empire.pdf
    040 - The Anglo-Afghan Wars 1839-1919.pdf
    041 - The War of 1812.pdf
    042 - Caesar's Civil War 49-44 BC.pdf
    043 - Caesar's Gallic Wars 58-50 BC.pdf
    044 - The French-Indian War 1754-1760.pdf
    045 - American Revolution 1774-1783.pdf
    046 - War in Japan 1467-1615.pdf
    047 - The French Religous Wars 1562-1598.pdf
    048 - The Second World War (4) - The Mediterranean 1940-1945.pdf
    049 - The Suez Crisis 1956.pdf
    050 - The Texas War of Independence 1835-1836.pdf
    051 - The Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871.pdf
    052 - The Boer Wars 1099-1902.pdf
    054 - The Wars of the Roses 1455-1485.pdf
    055 - The Gulf War 1991.pdf
    056 - The Zulu War 1879.pdf
    057 - Genghis Khan & The Mongol Conquests 1190-1400.pdf
    058 - The English Civil Wars 1642-1651.pdf
    059 - The Plains Wars 1757-1900.pdf
    060 - The Spanish Invasion of Mexico 1519-1521.pdf
    061 - The Chinese Civil War 1945-1949.pdf
    062 - The Ottoman Empire 1326-1699.pdf
    063 - The Collapse of Yugoslavia 1991-1999.pdf
    065 - The Anglo-Irish War [Osprey Essential Histories 65].pdf
    066 - The Wars of the Barbary Pirates.pdf
    067 - Ancient Israel at War 853-586 BC.pdf
    068 - The Indian Mutiny 1857-58.pdf
    069 - The Russian Civil War 1918-22.pdf
    070 - The Irish Civil War 1922-23.pdf
    071 - The Great Islamic Conquests AD 632-750.pdf
    072 - The Jacobite Rebellion 1745-1746.pdf

    Special 01 - The American Civil War - This Mighty Scourge of War.pdf
    Special 02 - The First World War - The War to end all Wars.pdf
    Special 04 - The Napoleonic Wars - The Rise and Fall of an Empire.pdf
    Special 05 - The Greeks at War - From Athens to Alexander.pdf
    Special 06 - Rome at War - Caesar and his Legacy.pdf

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